Friday, October 3, 2014

Lowcountry Food Day - October 24, 2014

There are lots of events for Lowcountry Food Day for staff and students to enjoy! Some events qualify for points on your School Wellness Checklist!  

CCSD schools: Lowcountry Food Day falls on a teacher work day. Consider sharing this information with your students' families as they may want to participate in the free events!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

CCSD Teachers Kids Yoga Training Discount

CCSD Teachers:

Kids Yogaverse Teacher Training

Starting today- teachers can get a 25% discount off the 18 hour Kids Yoga Teacher Training at CPY for school teachers with ID - Sign up now!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Cooper Rover Bridge Run 2015 Grant Applcation

Grant applications are now being accepted for the 2015 CRBR!  Applications are due 10/10/2014!

Schools are encouraged to apply using this form.  You can receive points on your School Wellness Checklist for participating as a school team in the CRBR!  Its a win-win:)

From the CRBR and the Coastal Community Foundation:

"The Cooper River Bridge Run is the best organized and the best conducted 10-K race in the world. It includes world-class competition in a unique setting with unparalleled participant satisfaction and also helps broaden community cooperation and participation in healthy events throughout the year. The CRBR serves as a model of health motivation for other communities throughout the world. In 2006, CRBR created a fund at Coastal Community Foundation (CCF) to distribute grants to Lowcountry non-profit organizations that advance the CRBR objective of the promotion of regular physical activity for a healthy lifestyle. Applicants are encouraged to focus on the following outcomes: public awareness of the importance of regular physical exercise; providing opportunity for regular physical exercise; and/or increasing opportunity for participation in the CRBR by underserved populations."

Also, join us on the bridge this coming Saturday at 9am (9/13) on the Charleston side!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Farm to School and the School Wellness Checklist

Farm to School items were added to the School Wellness Checklist this year to support the efforts of the Farm to School program. We're really excited to offer these points:

  • Cafeteria provides and promotes 2 locally grown fruits and/or vegetables per month (5 points)
  • School Garden - using the garden as a classroom to teach about nutrition (3 points)
There are tons of resources, including FREE teaching materials on the Farm to School website!  

We want to let you all know that we will need to see example menus if you claim the points for serving locally grown produce in the cafeteria. Please share this with your cafeteria managers! The food production record from that week with the item(s) circled works well.

We are more than happy to help with the verification for this item!!

Schools have nothing but great things to say about partnerships with local farms, so have some fun with it!

MUSC Heart Walk

Guest Post from MUSC and AHA Heart Walk:

**You can receive points on your School Wellness Checklist for participation as a team!!**

Please join the MUSC Children’s Hospital “Little Hearts” at the Lowcountry Heart Walk this year!  We had great participation from elementary schools last year and would love to have walkers from each Charleston County school this year.  Here’s how it works…..
  1. Assemble a team of walkers from your school
  2. Go to
  3. Proceed to the “Register Here” link and click “Start a team”
  4. Start your school’s team by clicking “New Team Under Company” and choose the MUSC          Little Hearts group
  5. Use your school’s name as the team name and follow the prompts to complete your registration
Just like last year, each walker that raises $25 through their school’s team will receive a MUSC Little Hearts t-shirt. Your $25 donation will go straight to the American Heart Association for the charitable work they do at MUSC and throughout our community.

If you and your teammates are eligible for a free t-shirt, email your size(s) to Emily Warr from MUSC Children’s Hospital at   Details about shirt delivery/pick-up will be announced closer to the event.

Available sizes are:
S, M, L, XL, XXL
XS, S, M, L, XL

We hope you’ll join us for this awesome community event!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fit Family Challenge- Register Today!

The SC Hospital Association, Coca Cola, CVS, and MUSC are challenging families in South Carolina to get active and eat healthy. Encourage your teachers, students, and families to join this healthy lifestyle program with free classes and expert advice and nutrition tips, using the handy online fitness tracker to earn points for your family. Enter daily activities and healthy habits to earn points and win prizes. This is a great way to kick off the summer staying healthy!

Register today! The Challenge ends July 10!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Belle Hall Elementary's School Garden Success!

Belle Hall Elementary in Charleston County School District was featured in the Moultrie News last week! Check out the photos below of their school garden. Third grade students were also able to taste the vegetables they have grown this year. Keep up the great work!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

National Walking Day!

Walking To School to Promote Heart Healthy Living!

On Wednesday April 2nd 2014, Fort Dorchester Elementary School students, parents, teachers and staff, participated in the American Heart Association's National Walking Day.  Everyone met in the parking lot of Wescott Golf Course at 6:40 and then headed out for the 20 minute walk to school!  All participants enjoyed the weather and the opportunity to experience healthy exercising with a brisk morning walk.  Thanks to the FDES school family, for promoting heart healthy living and for getting our school day off to a great start! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Drinking Water Campaign in Dorchester 2!

Schools in Dorchester County School District 2 are also promoting water drinking as a healthy option for students and faculty!

Check out Givhans Alternative Program's health newsletter their school nurse and wellness committee put together. The school also has signs up over the drinking water fountains and throughout the school. Keep up the great work!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Let's Go H20- Water Drinking Campaign

Schools in Charleston County School District are kicking off a water drinking campaign called "Let's Go H20!" Last week James Simons Elementary and Sullivan's Island Elementary held a promotional day to emphasize the importance of drinking water.

Let's Go H20 is part of the Eat Smart, Move More Charleston Tri-County Let's Go mission to make the healthy choice the easy choice. Check out these two links for more information and resources:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Book'n It 5K Run/Walk!

On Saturday, March 29 help support and raise awareness for literacy across SC and participate in this fun 5K Run/Walk at Palmetto Islands County Park

Click here to find out more details and register!

This is another great opportunity to promote physical activity to your students and teachers and earn points on the wellness checklist! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Walk the Bridge this month with Dunston Primary!

Through our community-based initiative the MUSC Boeing Center for Children's Wellness promotes free walks over the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge the 1st Saturday of every month. Over 500 participants have collectively logged nearly 45,000 miles! 

In January, CCSD Wellness guru Dave Spurlock formed the CCSD ADMIN team and resumed the weekly bridge walk format as an opportunity for school administrators to get in to shape. The wellness committee lead at Dunston Primary, Cathy White, and her school team will lead the weekly walks through March. Bring your team, family, or co-workers out on Saturday mornings at 9 AM on the Charleston side of the bridge (East Bay and Cooper Street –city parking lot)! Your school receives points in the wellness checklist for participating!

Check out the most recent Bridge newsletter above. Please email to be added to the email list!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Junk Food Fundraisers Get Some Attention - BCCW Quoted

Junk food fundraisers are under file in this week's article in the Post & Courier. The article questions the choice of a school to offer a donut fundraiser that rewards top-selling classes with a pizza party and an ice cream party.  One school was discussed in the article, however there are plenty of junk food based fundraisers in our districts.

What can you do?  Of course, the first thing would be to assist the school with a replacement healthy fundraiser. These can be the sale of healthy items or of non-food items.  We share ideas on our website of Healthy fundraiser ideas (under the "Nutrition" section).  Next would be to reward the student in a healthy way.  Students LOVE extra recess or garden time! They could be rewarded with a yoga class or other special activity.  We have many more examples on our website (also in the "Nutrition" section) for Healthy Rewards or Non-Food Rewards and Non-Food Incentives!

Here is the P&C article by David Quick on 2/25/14.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Be Healthy Moments with Dr. B - Videos for Students by Docs Adopt Physician

Docs Adopt Physician Dr. Amy-Lee Bredlau has done some exciting things in her partnership with Goodwin Elementary!  To promote healthy habits in Goodwin's students, Dr. Bredlau has made videos for use in the classroom or at home called "Be Healthy Moments with Dr. B."  These short videos are a great resource for teachers in any school!  Feel free to use them in your home or school!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cooper River Bridge Run Charity Opportunity!

We are proud to announce that MUSC's Boeing Center for Children's Wellness has been
chosen as a Cooper River Bridge Run Charity!  Please consider supporting our school wellness initiative, in one of these two ways:

1)  Select MUSC Children’s Health -Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness on your run/walk registration form and add a few extra dollars to your registration fee

2)  Purchase a Charity-bib under MUSC Children’s Health- Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness

      Best of luck to all participants! Congrats on all you are doing to stay active. Keep in touch and email your miles to us at

Monday, February 3, 2014

Grant Opportunity: Champions for Healthy Kids- Due March 14

The Champions for Healthy Kids program through the General Mills Foundation will award $20,000 grants to schools and non-profit organizations who are working to improve nutrition and physical fitness for youth!

The online application became available on Feburary 1, and all applications are due by March 14!

For Frequently Asked Questions or to apply click here

Monday, January 20, 2014

Go Red Heart 5K Walk & Run- February 1

Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester 2 County School District employees may receive a $10.00 discount off registration for the Go Red Heart 5K Walk and Run on February 1! Register here for the event and receive points on your wellness checklist for participating as a school team! The discount promo code is GORED2014 for all school staff and employees.

The Go Red Heart 5K Walk and Run's goal is to promote a heart healthy lifestyle for families in the Lowcountry while educating the community about prevention of heart disease and stroke. Thank you Dr. Marian Taylor with MUSC for sharing this discount and opportunity with school wellness committees!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Yoga Balls in the Classroom at Windsor Hill Elementary!

Check out the story below from Live 5 News about a classroom at Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary in Dorchester 2 County School District who uses yoga balls as chairs to encourage physical activity while learning!

Keep up the great work promoting wellness at Windsor Hill!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tee off for Diabetes

Junior golfers ages 8-18 are expected to take to the greens of Summerville Country Club on Saturday, February 1st for the 1st Annual Team William T1D Tee Off for Diabetes. The junior golf tournament, endorsed by the South Carolina Junior Golf Association and the First Tee of Charleston, is a SCJGA ranking tournament open to all golfers. It was created to bring more awareness and education about juvenile diabetes and raise funding for the Palmetto Chapter of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, provide a scholarship for Camp Adam Fisher, the Carolina’s largest summer camp for children with diabetes, and hopefully donate a diabetes alert dog to a child with type 1 diabetes in the Lowcountry.

If your school is interested in registering a youth team for this golf tournament, your school can receive a point on the wellness checklist for participating as a school team in a physical activity event!

To learn more or register your team please visit or email Susie Wimberly, Event Coordinator at or call 843-568-7830.