Monday, January 20, 2014

Go Red Heart 5K Walk & Run- February 1

Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester 2 County School District employees may receive a $10.00 discount off registration for the Go Red Heart 5K Walk and Run on February 1! Register here for the event and receive points on your wellness checklist for participating as a school team! The discount promo code is GORED2014 for all school staff and employees.

The Go Red Heart 5K Walk and Run's goal is to promote a heart healthy lifestyle for families in the Lowcountry while educating the community about prevention of heart disease and stroke. Thank you Dr. Marian Taylor with MUSC for sharing this discount and opportunity with school wellness committees!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Yoga Balls in the Classroom at Windsor Hill Elementary!

Check out the story below from Live 5 News about a classroom at Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary in Dorchester 2 County School District who uses yoga balls as chairs to encourage physical activity while learning!

Keep up the great work promoting wellness at Windsor Hill!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tee off for Diabetes

Junior golfers ages 8-18 are expected to take to the greens of Summerville Country Club on Saturday, February 1st for the 1st Annual Team William T1D Tee Off for Diabetes. The junior golf tournament, endorsed by the South Carolina Junior Golf Association and the First Tee of Charleston, is a SCJGA ranking tournament open to all golfers. It was created to bring more awareness and education about juvenile diabetes and raise funding for the Palmetto Chapter of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, provide a scholarship for Camp Adam Fisher, the Carolina’s largest summer camp for children with diabetes, and hopefully donate a diabetes alert dog to a child with type 1 diabetes in the Lowcountry.

If your school is interested in registering a youth team for this golf tournament, your school can receive a point on the wellness checklist for participating as a school team in a physical activity event!

To learn more or register your team please visit or email Susie Wimberly, Event Coordinator at or call 843-568-7830.